For the past few days, Ad:tech India 2014 has been interacting with me on twitter raising some interesting points and trying to figure out the future of Digital.
The dialogue began around one of my blog posts, laying out one of the many paths of embracing the digital reality brands and companies are faced with nowadays. You can read it here.
The profile is promoting the event happening on the 20th & 21st of March in Gurgaon Delhi (India), and features some interesting speakers from some of the key players of the digital economy, like GfK, Amazon, etc.
Interesting detail – one of the sponsors is NOT Blackberry, but instead BBM.
Twitter conversation is below:
@adtechindia: Optimization of a mobile website is key be it adaptive or responsive. What are your thoughts? #adtechIN
@hugomcpinto: How to build a mobile optimised website, social presence and not spend your life maintaining it! #digital marketing
@adtechindia: True. Marketers foraying into optimization of Mobile websites is imperative for success. Your views? #adtechIN
@hugomcpinto: as social activity and content, business is going mobile. Businesses must look at mobile as a full-cycle channels to make money
@adtechindia: Do you think that Content is king? Written content in comparison to Video will take a back seat. Your views? #adtechIN
@hugomcpinto: consumers have less time and are bombarded by more content: the richer it is the quicker it catches u video #adtechIN 1/2
@hugomcpinto: is not as optimised on all platforms as a good title is but it’s getting there – it’s more efficient that text #adtechIN 2/2
@adtechindia: Indeed. So do you think that the future of #digital lies in optimized and decisive Videos? #adtechIN
@hugomcpinto: i believe it lies in the right content, right location & right time: relevant, contextualized, hyper-personalised #adtechIN
@adtechindia: When you say hyper-personalised, how do you define it? #adtechIN
@hugomcpinto: programmatic marketing and big data allow you to understand the exact media, copy & format: test, measure & adjust #adtechIN
@adtechindia: Many fail to comprehend what #bigdata does for them. Why do you think that is? Lack of awareness or reach of info? #adtechIN
@hugomcpinto: That’s related to the fact all #bigdata community is still very focused on tech instead of outcomes: how much 1/2 #adtechIN
@hugomcpinto: can you improve conversion in mobile ads if you include #location or include #socialmedia data from that user? #adtechIN 2/2
@adtechindia: Plenty indeed. But a hefty investment of over $1 Trillion by companies today shows a great escalation for #bigdata. #adtechIN
@adtechindia: Better analytics can improve the return 10-20%. The consumer decision journey generates huge data.Your views? #adtechIN
@hugomcpinto: The ability to map an end-to-end customer journey, including digital & real world data will further improve ROI #adtechIN 1/2
@hugomcpinto: especially in advertising, and combining social information w/ phone #data, this is a reality #adtechIN
@hugomcpinto: if you define the end, you can identify the data you need to set up and measure ROI in digital #advertising #adtechIN
Data is becoming the new partner for cloud, social and mobile in defining the future of digital, the economy, and our lives in general. Great changes to come in the next 2/3 years.
Follow Ad:tech India on twitter.
How relevant is data on your day to day, and in the decisions made in your company?